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Title Document Type Year Communityמיין בסדר יורד
Hora dance in Bolszowce Visual materials 1935 Bilshivtsy
Group of Hashomer hatzair members Visual materials 1939 Bilshivtsy
Learning signal language Visual materials 1937 Bilshivtsy
Purim holiday in Bolszowce Visual materials 1935 Bilshivtsy
Moshe Popik at the central square of Bołszowce Visual materials 1937 Bilshivtsy
Report of the Baron Hirsch Foundation for 1897/8 1899 Bohorodchany (Brotchin)
Hatechija association in Bohorodczany: submitting the statute Letter 1920 Bohorodchany (Brotchin)
On elections of Rabbi Pinhas Horwitz in Bohorodczany Newspaper article 1898 Bohorodchany (Brotchin)