Asher Zelig Son of Yosef Halevi |
People |
to 1922 |
Asher Zelig Son of Zvi |
People |
to 1848 |
Asher Zelig Son of Zvi |
People |
to 1828 |
Atil Braha Daughter of Yosef Hacohen |
People |
to 1906 |
Atil Daughter of Eliezer |
People |
to 1889 |
Atil Daughter of Naftali Herzil |
People |
to 1885 |
Atil Daughter of Yehuda |
People |
to 1902 |
Avraham |
People |
Avraham |
People |
to 1898 |
Avraham Abosch Kern |
People |
to 1846 |
Avraham Avi Son of Yaakov |
People |
Avraham Avir Son of Dov |
People |
to 1925 |
Avraham Avir Son of Shlomo |
People |
to 1886 |
Avraham Avir Son of Zeev Wolf |
People |
to 1841 |
Avraham Avish Shultz |
People |
to 1920 |
Avraham Avril Son of Faivel |
People |
to 1759 |
Avraham Cyrler |
People |
Avraham David Son of Menahem |
People |
to 1880 |
Avraham Efraim Son of Moshe |
People |
to 1865 |
Avraham Evir Son of Menahem Yehezkiel |
People |
to 1910 |
Avraham Israel Son of Reuven Segal |
People |
to 1876 |
Avraham Michel Son of Zvi Hirsh |
People |
to 1875 |
Avraham Moshe Shtomlitz(?) |
People |
to 1914 |
Avraham Moshe Son of Yitzhak |
People |
to 1872 |
Avraham Nahum Son of Zvi Kaz |
People |
to 1867 |
Avraham Segal Son of Litman Halevi |
People |
to 1904 |
Avraham Son of Zeev Volf |
People |
to 1840 |
Avraham Son of Asher Zelik |
People |
to 1874 |
Avraham Son of Barukh Segal |
People |
to 1880 |
Avraham Son of David Shmuel |
People |
to 1894 |
Avraham Son of Gedaliya |
People |
to 1879 |
Avraham Son of Haim |
People |
to 1887 |
Avraham Son of Haim |
People |
to 1832 |
Avraham Son of Meir |
People |
to 1838 |
Avraham Son of Menachem [Mendel] |
People |
to 1829 |
Avraham Son of Meshulam |
People |
to 1853 |
Avraham Son of Mordechai |
People |
to 1893 |
Avraham Son of Moshe |
People |
to 1912 |
Avraham Son of Moshe |
People |
to 1888 |
Avraham Son of Moshe Yehuda |
People |
to 1908 |
Avraham Son of Paltiel |
People |
to 1761 |
Avraham Son of Shimon Segal |
People |
to 1908 |
Avraham Son of Shlomo |
People |
to 1831 |
Avraham Son of Shmuel |
People |
to 1770 |
Avraham Son of Yaakov |
People |
1835 to 1888 |
Avraham Son of Yehiel Michel |
People |
to 1862 |
Avraham Son of Yehuda |
People |
to 1791 |
Avraham Son of Yehuda Leib |
People |
to 1887 |
Avraham Son of Yehuda Leib |
People |
to 1867 |
Avraham Son of Yitzhak Aizik |
People |
to 1833 |
Avraham Son of Yitzhak Bressler |
People |
to 1931 |
Avraham Son of Zeev |
People |
to 1802 |
Avraham Tzvi Son of Shlomo |
People |
to 1867 |
Avraham Yaakov Son of Tzvi |
People |
to 1900 |
Avraham Yakov Segal |
People |
to 1905 |
Avraham Yehezkiyahu Son of Shlomo Zalman |
People |
to 1870 |
Avraham Yehuda and Mandi Hana Children of Israel |
People |
to 1889 |
Avraham Yitzhak Son of Simcha |
People |
to 1884 |
Avraham Zeev Daughter of Mordechai |
People |
to 1887 |
Avraham Zeev Son of Eliyahu |
People |
to 1910 |
Avraham Zeev Son of Mordechai |
People |
to 1862 |
Avraham Zeev Son of Uri |
People |
to 1920 |
Aydil Daughter of Yehoshia |
People |
to 1929 |
Background profiles of the murdered Solotvin inhabitants |
Documents |
2000 |
Baruch Son of David Shlomo |
People |
to 1897 |
Baruch Son of Levi Yitzhak |
People |
to 1904 |
Baruch Son of Meir Zeev Segal |
People |
to 1897 |
Baruch Son of Natanel |
People |
to 1913 |
Baruch Son of Yitzhak Yehuda Segal |
People |
to 1911 |
Barukh Bendet Son of David |
People |
to 1889 |
Barukh Meshulam Son of Shraga |
People |
to 1886 |
Barukh Son of Efraim |
People |
to 1919 |
Barukh Son of Meir |
People |
to 1824 |
Barukh Son of Yehezkel Segal |
People |
to 1665 |
Barukh Son of Yehuda Leib |
People |
to 1913 |
Barukh Son of Yitzhak |
People |
to 1909 |
Basya Haya Daughter of Eliezer |
People |
to 1899 |
Batiya Daughter of Yehiel Michel |
People |
to 1907 |
Batiya Peril Daughter of Yehuda Ari |
People |
to 1910 |
Batya |
People |
to 1903 |
Batya Daughter of Yakov Kopel |
People |
to 1923 |
Batya Daughter of Yehuda Leib |
People |
to 1899 |
Batya Kern |
People |
to 1903 |
Beila Daughter of Dov |
People |
to 1900 |
Beila Daughter of Eliezer |
People |
to 1832 |
Beila Daughter of Kalman(?) |
People |
to 1793 |
Beila Daughter of Menahem Nahum |
People |
to 1838 |
Beila Daughter of Naftali |
People |
to 1925 |
Beila Daughter of Shlomo Zalman |
People |
to 1926 |
Beila Daughter of Yosef |
People |
to 1827 |
Beila Daughter of Yosef Shmuel Segal |
People |
to 1855 |
Bela Neuman |
People |
1879 to 1942 |
Benjamin Sobel |
People |
1905 |
Benyamin Son of Faivel |
People |
to 1826 |
Benyamin Son of Haim |
People |
to 1886 |
Benyamin Son of Haim Levi Schaffer |
People |
to 1922 |
Benyamin Son of Mordechai |
People |
to 1839 |
Benyamin Son of Mordechai |
People |
to 1859 |
Benyamin Son of Mordechai |
People |
to 1839 |
Benyamin Son of Shmaryahu |
People |
to 1904 |