Hana Daughter of David |
People |
to 1823 |
Hana Daughter of David |
People |
to 1872 |
Hana Daughter of Efraim Fishel |
People |
to 1900 |
Hana Daughter of Eliezer |
People |
to 1883 |
Hana Daughter of Haim |
People |
to 1880 |
Hana Daughter of Israel |
People |
to 1880 |
Hana Daughter of Meir |
People |
to 1805 |
Hana Daughter of Shlomo Mishel |
People |
Hana Daughter of Shmaryahu |
People |
to 1895 |
Hana Daughter of the Shmuel |
People |
to 1819 |
Hana Daughter of Tzvi Arie |
People |
to 1899 |
Hana Daughter of Uri |
People |
to 1909 |
Hana Daughter of Yehiel Michel |
People |
to 1890 |
Hana Daughter of Yehuda |
People |
to 1839 |
Hana Daughter of Yeshaya |
People |
to 1831 |
Hana Daughter of Yeshaya |
People |
to 1908 |
Hana Daughter of Yitzek Hacohen |
People |
to 1830 |
Hana Daughter of Yitzhak Avraham |
People |
to 1726 |
Hana Daughter of Zeev |
People |
to 1886 |
Hana Feiga Daughter of Yaakov |
People |
to 1905 |
Hana Feiga Daughter of Yeshayahu |
People |
to 1905 |
Hana Lakritz |
People |
Hana Leah Daughter of David |
People |
to 1919 |
Hana Leah Daughter of Zalman |
People |
to 1905 |
Hana Lipshi [?] [ Daughter of Yehuda Avi [?] |
People |
to 1898 |
Hana Manya Daughter of Yehuda Gedalia |
People |
Hana Rachel Daughter of Israel |
People |
Hani Rachel Daughter of Benyamin |
People |
to 1927 |
Hani [Hedit?] Daughter of Yitzhak Halevi [Nahor?] |
People |
to 1867 |
Hani [Yasya?] Daughter of Avraham |
People |
to 1860 |
Hantzi Daughter of Avraham |
People |
to 1856 |
Hany Daughter of Baruch |
People |
to 1924 |
Hase Daughter of Avraham Avir |
People |
to 1906 |
Hasi Daughter of Yitzhak Aizik |
People |
to 1871 |
Hasya Daughter of Shalom |
People |
to 1903 |
Hava Daughter of Israel |
People |
to 1784 |
Hava Daughter of Israel |
People |
to 1784 |
Hava Daughter of Yair(?) |
People |
to 1831 |
Hava Sara Daughter of David |
People |
to 1904 |
Haya |
People |
Haya |
People |
to 1785 |
Haya (?) Daughter of Avraham |
People |
to 1905 |
Haya Ati Daughter of Moshe Yehuda |
People |
to 1884 |
Haya Ativ and Malka Frimas Daughters of [Krig?] |
People |
to 1902 |
Haya Daughter of Aharon Shmuel |
People |
to 1892 |
Haya Daughter of Avraham |
People |
to 1903 |
Haya Daughter of Efraim Fishel |
People |
to 1900 |
Haya Daughter of Moshe |
People |
to 1889 |
Haya Daughter of Naftali |
People |
to 1866 |
Haya Daughter of Tzvi |
People |
to 1918 |
Haya Daughter of Yaakov |
People |
to 1894 |
Haya Daughter of Yehuda |
People |
to 1882 |
Haya Daughter of Yehuda Leib |
People |
to 1905 |
Haya Daughter of Yeshayahu |
People |
to 1775 |
Haya Daughter of Yitzhak |
People |
to 1804 |
Haya Daughter of Yitzhak |
People |
to 1907 |
Haya Daughter of Yitzhak Aisek |
People |
to 1890 |
Haya Daughter of Yitzhak Aizik |
People |
to 1895 |
Haya Daughter of Yosef |
People |
to 1827 |
Haya Daughter of Yosef |
People |
to 1904 |
Haya Daughter of [Shaul] Eliyahu |
People |
to 1866 |
Haya Duvyd |
People |
1919 to 1942 |
Haya Eti Daughter of Avraham Yehuda |
People |
Haya Feiga Daughter of Yaakov Shlomo |
People |
to 1901 |
Haya Golda Daughter of Moshe Yehiel |
People |
to 1892 |
Haya Leah Daughter of Avraham Haim |
People |
to 1877 |
Haya Mandya Daughter of Efraim Tzvi |
People |
to 1899 |
Haya Matil Daughter of Bendit |
People |
to 1885 |
Haya Nesi Daughter of Yakov |
People |
Haya Rachel Daughter of David Mikhel |
People |
to 1892 |
Haya Rachel Daughter of Yakov Kopel |
People |
to 1885 |
Haya Rachel Daughter of Yehuda |
People |
Haya Rachel Daughter of [Nach?] |
People |
to 1885 |
Haya Sara Beish |
People |
to 1930 |
Haya Sara Daughter of Avraham |
People |
to 1868 |
Haya Sara Daughter of Yakov |
People |
to 1888 |
Haya Yeti Daughter of Shraga Faivish |
People |
to 1889 |
Haya Yuta Daughter of Yehuda Arie |
People |
to 1920 |
Hayel Daughter of Yosef Yehuda |
People |
to 1891 |
Hazni Daughter of Israel |
People |
to 1897 |
Hebrew School in Solotvin |
Organizations |
1906 |
Hebrew School in Solotvin (1922) |
Organizations |
1922 |
Hedi Daughter of Antshel |
People |
to 1875 |
Hedi Daughter of Efraim Fishel |
People |
Hedi Daughter of Menashe |
People |
to 1884 |
Hedis Daughter of Zvi Arie |
People |
to 1874 |
Heid Reizin Daughter of Dov |
People |
to 1906 |
Heiza Daughter of Dov |
People |
to 1854 |
Heni Daughter of Tzvi |
People |
to 1700 |
Heni Daughter of Yosef |
People |
to 1914 |
Heni Reizi Daughter of Moshe |
People |
to 1893 |
Henia Andacht |
People |
Henia Daughter of Yehoshua |
People |
to 1891 |
Hentzi Daughter of Avraham Moshe |
People |
to 1902 |
Henya Daughter of Yosef |
People |
to 1912 |
Henzi Daughter of Eliezer |
People |
to 1840 |
Henzi Daughter of Reuven |
People |
to 1875 |
Henzi Daughter of Yaakov |
People |
to 1862 |
Herman Kuker |
People |
Hersch Bacher |
People |
1866 |