Feiga Daughter of Aharon |
People |
to 1899 |
Feiga Daughter of Barukh |
People |
Feiga Daughter of Benyamin |
People |
to 1794 |
Feiga Daughter of Eliezer |
People |
to 1903 |
Feiga Daughter of Haim Tzvi |
People |
Feiga Daughter of Menahem |
People |
to 1831 |
Feiga Daughter of Moshe Leib |
People |
to 1860 |
Feiga Daughter of Moshe Shmuel Halevi |
People |
to 1924 |
Feiga Daughter of Shimon |
People |
to 1907 |
Feiga Daughter of Shmuel |
People |
to 1838 |
Feiga Daughter of Tzvi Hirsh |
People |
to 1865 |
Feiga Daughter of Yehuda Leib |
People |
to 1897 |
Feiga Daughter of Yehuda Leib |
People |
Feiga Daughter of Yehuda Leibish |
People |
to 1909 |
Feiga Daughter of Yehuda Yitzhak |
People |
to 1867 |
Feiga Daughter of Yitzhak Yaakov |
People |
to 1897 |
Feiga Daughter of Zalman Halevi |
People |
Feiga Elka Daughter of Yehuda |
People |
to 1894 |
Feiga Engelberg |
People |
1892 to 1934 |
Feiga Risi Daughter of Menahem Yosef |
People |
to 1866 |
Feiga Rivka Daughter of Benyamin |
People |
to 1912 |
Feiga Schneid |
People |
Feiga Tager |
People |
to 1928 |
Feyga Daughter of [Yehezkiel?] Faivel |
People |
to 1931 |
Feyga Levi |
People |
to 1889 |
Feyga Segal |
People |
to 1889 |
Feyga Yuta Daughter of Haim |
People |
to 1891 |
Fifteenth census of the United States - 1930 |
Documents |
1930 |
Fima (?) |
People |
to 1896 |
Finkel Walenberg |
People |
1869 |
First son of Herman Kuker |
People |
Fischel Daks |
People |
1869 |
Fischel Kern |
People |
1871 |
Fischel Philip Fischel Sobel |
People |
1909 |
Fischer Scheinor |
People |
1866 |
Fishel Schwager |
People |
Freida Daughter of Avraham |
People |
to 1925 |
Freida Daughter of Baruch Godil Halevi |
People |
to 1906 |
Freida Daughter of Meir |
People |
to 1880 |
Freida Daughter of Meshulam |
People |
to 1889 |
Freida Daughter of Naftali |
People |
to 1903 |
Freida Daughter of Shlomo |
People |
to 1892 |
Freida Daughter of Yehuda Leib |
People |
to 1901 |
Freida Daughter of Yosef |
People |
to 1887 |
Freida Daughter of [Nitman?] |
People |
to 1882 |
Freida Karil Daughter of Eliezer Zvi |
People |
to 1891 |
Freida Rachel Daughter of Aharon Shlomo |
People |
to 1898 |
Freida Rachel Sobel |
People |
1852 to 1944 |
Freidi Daughter of Yoel |
People |
to 1911 |
Frei[da] Daughter of Zvi |
People |
to 1916 |
Freyda Daughter of Shmuel Hacohen |
People |
to 1800 |
Freyda Daughter of Aharon |
People |
to 1897 |
Freyda Daughter of Israel ? |
People |
to 1865 |
Freyda Daughter of Moshe |
People |
to 1835 |
Freyda Daughter of Shlomo |
People |
to 1888 |
Freyda Daughter of Yoel Zusi |
People |
to 1878 |
Freyda Daughter of Yona Halevi |
People |
to 1860 |
Frida Daughter of Alter Aharon |
People |
to 1912 |
Frida Daughter of Moshe |
People |
Frida Daughter of Moshe |
People |
to 1914 |
Frida Daughter of Tzvi |
People |
to 1902 |
Frida Dvora Daughter of David (Juran) |
People |
to 1940 |
Frieda Schmerler |
People |
Frima Chana Kuker |
People |
1880 to 1942 |
Frima Daughter of Asher Zelig |
People |
to 1881 |
Frima Daughter of Barukh Meshulam |
People |
to 1907 |
Frima Daughter of Mordechai |
People |
to 1792 |
Frima Daughter of Shraga |
People |
Frima Daughter of Yitzhak |
People |
to 1892 |
Frima Daughter of Yitzhak Aizek |
People |
to 1830 |
Frima Daughter of Yosef |
People |
Frima Daughter of Zvi |
People |
to 1897 |
Froim Waldmann |
People |
Fruma |
People |
to 1842 |
Fruma Daughter of Israel |
People |
1854 to 1924 |
Fruma Daughter of Shmuel |
People |
to 1753 |
Fruma Rachel Daughter of Yehuda |
People |
to 1865 |
Fruma(?) |
People |
1805 to 1897 |
Fryderyka Mermerosich |
People |
1929 |
Galdi Daughter of Yehezkiel |
People |
to 1895 |
Galdi Daughter of Yehuda |
People |
to 1903 |
Genealogy of Kern family |
Documents |
Genedel Fleit |
People |
to 1923 |
Gentz[.?] Daughter of Moshe |
People |
to 1881 |
Gershon Son of Shlomo |
People |
to 1848 |
Ginemil Daughter of Yehuda Leib |
People |
to 1870 |
Girl [Namil?] Daughter of Baruch |
People |
to 1871 |
Gitel Daughter of |
People |
to 1907 |
Gitel Daughter of Efraim |
People |
to 1918 |
Gitel Daughter of Israel |
People |
to 1911 |
Gitel Daughter of Menachem Yehiezkel |
People |
to 1893 |
Gitel Daughter of Mordechai |
People |
to 1900 |
Gitel Daughter of Moshe |
People |
to 1895 |
Gitel Daughter of Moshe Bendit |
People |
to 1892 |
Gitel Daughter of Moshe Israel |
People |
to 1897 |
Gitel Daughter of Shraga Faivish Menschenfreund |
People |
to 1917 |
Gitel Daughter of Tzvi Hacohen |
People |
to 1912 |
Gitel Daughter of Yaakov David |
People |
to 1908 |
Gitel Daughter of Yaakov Kopel |
People |
to 1904 |
Gitel Daughter of Yitzhak Aizik |
People |
to 1902 |