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Josef Sigall

Josef Sigall was a painter, born in Brody in 1891. Having graduated from the gymnasium in Lviv in 1909, he moved to Vienna, where he gained his art...
Painter Brody

Leo Landau

 Leo Landau was a well-known stage director and actor, who appeared under the stage name Lenkhart. Born in Brody in 1878, Landau became famous...
Director Brody

Mayer von Kallir

Mayer von Kallir was a famous banker and patron of the arts. He was born in 1789 to a family of immigrants from Bohemia. His father, Alehander Kallir...
Banker Brody

Max Margules

Max Margules was a well-known mathematician and meteorologist. Born in Brody in 1856, Margules graduated from the University of Vienna, where he...
Mathematician Brody

Hermann Menkes

Hermann Menkes was a well-known writer, journalist and literary critic. Born in Brody in 1865, Menkes graduated from the departments of literary...
Journalist Brody

Markus Landau

Markus Landau was a famous writer and literary historian. Born in Brody in 1837, Landau’s first career was in trade. As a merchant, Landau...

Sir Hersch Lauterpacht

Sir Hersch Lauterpacht was born in Zhovkva, Austria-Hungary. He was a member of the United Nations' International Law Commission from 1952 to...

Otto Preminger

Otto Preminger was born in 1905 in Wiznitz (Vyzhnytsia), a town in west of Czernowitz, northern Bukovyna, in today's Ukraine. He was ...