[Language and Identity: autobiographical Jewish texts from Galicia]
including references to Gershom Bader (143—147, 149), Melech Ravitch (143, 144, 147—150), Loebel Taubes (143, 144), David Isaiah Silberbusch (143-144), Hinde Bergner (144), Samuel Jacob Imber, and David Koenigsberg (149).
[p 152, comment no. 6 - about autobiographical Jewish literature in German].
Chiefly in pp 1469-1470 - a reference to Galician Jewry as the cradle of the modern Hebrew literature, as reflected in the works of Joseph Perl (1469), and Isaac Erter (1469-1470), and so to Mendel Lefin, Samson Bloch, Naftali Keller (1470), Asher Barash, Reuben Fahn, and Shmuel Yosef Agnon (1471).
Especailly the sub-chapter 'The Galicia Haskalah' (698—699). Including references to Nachman Krochmal, Solomon Judah Rapoport, Aryeh Leib Kinderfreund, Jacob Eichenbaum, Max Letteris (698), Joseph Perl (698-699), Isaac Erter, Naftali Keller, Mendel Lefin and Abraham Mendel Mohr (699).
Including references to Yiddish poets of Galicia, among them Fradl Shtok (66—68, 88, 114), Rachel H. Korn (71, 75, 82, 88, 90, 91, 100—101, 104, 115, 145, and chiefly the sub-chapter '2. Rachel H. Korn: the presence and the absence', 118-127), Malka Lee (78-79), and Dvora Fogel (89), and so to Melech Ravitch (86, 91, 96—100, 104, 108), Itzik Manger (82, 95, 145) and to Reuben Iceland (114).
Including references to an abundance of authors from Galicia-Bucovina, among them chiefly to Martin Buber, Avraham Ben-Yizhak, Uri Zevi Greenberg, Shmuel Yosef Agnon and Pinhas Sadeh (Feldman), and so to Marcus Ehrenpreis, Moshe Ungerfeld, Solomon Buber, Reuben Asher Braudes, Simon Bernfeld, Asher Barash, Rivka Gurfein, Ezriel Guenzig, Yehuda Yaari, Raphael Mahler, Dov Sadan, Dan Pagis, Shemuel Yeshayahu Penueli, Paul Celan, Solomon Rubin, and Ignacy Schiper.
An elaborated edition to values from the encyclipedias first edition (1971) about the history of new Hebrew literature and about literature critique in Israel.
Includes the following segments:
Spicehandler Ezra (684-699, 702-704):
About the Galician Enlightenment , in the sub-chapter 'The Galician Haskalah', 688-689: the sub-chapter refers to Naphtali Herz Homberg, Mendel Lefin, Nachman Krochmal, Solomon Judah Rapoport, Joseph Perl, Isaac Erter, Max Letteris, Aryeh Leib Kinderfreund, Baruch Schoenfeld, and Dov Ber Ginzburg. Additional references to, later, to Isaac Erter and Joseph Perl, Reuben Asher Braudes (691), Yehoshua Radler-Feldmann - Rabbi Binyamin (696), Shmuel Yosef Agnon (696, 698—699), Asher Barash (696, 699), Avraham Ben-Yizhak, Jacob Horowitz (697), Uri Zevi Greenberg (697, 698), Dan Pagis, David Rokeach (703), and Aharon Appelfeld (704).
Berlowitz Yaffah (700-702): 'Women's Prose Writing in the Period of the Yishuv' (1882-1948):
Including references to Anda Amir (Pinkerfeld) (700) and Rivka Gurfein (701).
Holtzman Avner (704-706), 'The 1970s':
Including references to Agnon, Greenberg (704) and Appelfeld (705).
Shaked Gershon and Gad Keynar (712-723), 'Drama':
Including references to Perl, Rapoport, Erter, Letteris (725), Eisig Silberschlag (728), Dov Sadan and Azriel Ukhmani (929).
Berlowitz Yaffah (729-733): 'The 1970s and After':
Including references to Agnon, Greenberg, Appelfeld (731), Ben-Yizhak and Horowitz (732).
Silberschlag Eisig (735-738): 'Hebrew Literature in the United States':
Including references to Naphtali Herz Imber and Harry Sackler (736).
Including references of the authors to the following themes:
Spicehandler Ezra (176-208):
Including a sub-chapter about the Enlighenment literature in Galicia (1820-1860) (pp 182-185), which refers to Naphtali Herz Homberg, Mendel Lefin, Nachman Krochmal, Solomon Judah Rapoport, Joseph Perl, Jacob Samuel Bick, Max Letteris, Aryeh Leib Kinderfreund, Baruch Schoenfeld, Dov Ber Ginzburg; Later, more references to Joseph Perl and Isaac Erter (185), Reuben Asher Braudes (188), Yehoshua Radler-Feldmann - Rabbi Binyamin (197), Shmuel Yosef Agnon (197, 199, 202—203), Asher Barash (197, 203), Avraham Ben-Yizhak, Jacob Horowitz (200), Uri Zevi Greenberg (200, 201—202), Dan Pagis, David Rokeach (206), and Aharon Appelfeld (207).
Silberschlag, Eisig, 'Hebrew Literature in the United States' (208-214):
Including references to Naphtali Herz Imber (210) and Harry Sackler (212-213).
And in an extended and updated, in the second edition of the encyclopedia, from 2007, Volume 8, pp 684-738.