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Title Document Typeמיין בסדר יורד Year Community
Report of the Baron Hirsch Foundation for 1897/8 1899 Bohorodchany (Brotchin)
A list 1870 Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk)
Anderman Bernard: passport 1924 Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk)
Kletter Isaak Birth Certificate 1916 Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk)
Brandes Chaim 1920 Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk)
Dorfman Aron-Ozjasz: passport Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk)
Bertisch Israel: application 1923 Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk)
„Dekret króla Zygmunta pozwalający starozakonnym sprzedawanie towarów” 1521 Kraków