STUDIES ON GALICIA AND BUKOVINA JEWRY - The Hertzl Institute, University of Haifa in collaboration with the Jewish Galicia & Bukovina Association

 In the 2012-2013 academic year, the project for research work on the Jews of Galicia and Bukovina was established within the context of the University of Haifa’s Herzl Institute for Research and Study of Zionism and History. The project is being conducted with the collaboration of the non-profit organization Jewish Galicia and Bukovina (JGB).


The project’s ultimate goal is to promote research and expand existing knowledge on the Jewish communities of Galicia and Bukovina from the middle of the 19th century until the eve of the Second World War – on their culture, their religious way of life, their legacy and their significant contribution to Jewish culture and to the Jewish people. Because research activity today in this field is not extensive, the project is focusing on the creation of an infrastructure for collaboration and for the exchange of information between senior and young researchers in Israel and abroad.

We are in midst of creating a website for the Galicia and Bukovina research project that will provide information about the various projects run by the research center.

We invite you to visit our website once it is up and take part in our activities.