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Name Year of birthמיין בסדר יורד Year of death Mother Father Community
Meshulam Faivish Halevi Heller from Zbarazh Aharon Moshe Halevi
Yitzhak Frenkel Bohorodchany (Brotchin)
Barukh Yitzhak Halevi Heller Meshulam Faivish
Meir Hacohen Rapoport Bohorodchany (Brotchin)
Uri Shraga Schreier
Bohorodchany (Brotchin)
Avraham Halevi Heller Yom-Tov Lipman Halevi
Yom-Tov Lipman Halevi Heller
I. Sparer Bohorodchany (Brotchin)