Name in English:
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Name in Hebrew:
Name in Yiddish:
בעלז, בעלזא
Historical-cultural region:
Eastern Galicia
Administrative District :
Sokal district, Lviv region
50°23' N, 24°01' E
Population Data:
Year | Number of the whole population | Number of the Jewish population | Percentage of the Jewish population |
1550 | 200 | ||
1765 | 716 | ||
1829 | 2460 | 460 | 18.7% |
1859 | 3496 | 1783 | 51.0% |
1880 | 4129 | 2135 | 51.7% |
1900 | 5074 | 2872 | 56.6% |
1910 | 6021 | 3625 | 60.2% |
1921 | 4150 | 2104 | 50.7% |
1931 | 2500 |
Belz on Virtual Shtetel.
בעלז באתר המרכז למורשת יהדות פולין
The Belz Hasidic dynasty on Yivo Ecyclopedia
Belz is a town between the Solokiya River, a tributary of the Western
Buh, and its tributary Richytsa (Zhechitsa). It’s possible, that the name referring to a
treeless area between thick forests, or to a swamped, difficult to traverse area. Belz is
among Poland’s oldest towns and is mentioned in the Ruthenian Chronicles of 1030. It was established as a residential town in the 13th c. and received rights of
a Polish royal town in 1509, in accordance with the Magdeburg
law. Jews are mentioned in documents from 1413. In 1550 there were 32 Jewish homes.
During the 17th century outstanding individuals such as the authors of the holy works
Bayit Hadash, Meirat Einayim, Baer Heitev and Torat Haim served as its rabbis. From
the beginning of the 19th century we find there the hasidic Be‡z dynasty of the Rokeah
family, among the most illustrious in Poland, and pilgrims would stream there from other
European countries as well.
Belz hasidic synagogue and bet ha-midrash, built in 1839, destroyed during WWII
External links:
Items relevant to the community
Title | Type of item | Years |
Anklageschrift des Arztes Moses Stahlhamer aus ... | CAHJP Cards | 1866 |
Belz | Communities | |
Belz und. Sokal | Maps | |
Correspondence with the Landesgubernium about s... | CAHJP Cards | 1773 |
Korrespondenz mit dem k.k. Landespräsidium und ... | CAHJP Cards | 1816 to 1832 |
Korrespondenz, Vereinbarungen und Anordnungen b... | CAHJP Cards | 1821 |
Material die Lage der jüdischen Bauern in Galiz... | CAHJP Cards | 1829 |
Materiały dot. długów gmin żydowskich: Niemirów... | CAHJP Cards | 1729 |
Materiały dot. długów gmin żydowskich: Nowy Sąc... | CAHJP Cards | 1687 |
Materiały dot. długów gmin żydowskich: Sokal (z... | CAHJP Cards | 1672 |